This yarn makes me SO HAPPY!

Wow talk about a Throwback Post.... My friend Teri (Fiberterian on IG & ravelry) and I had a booth at the Maker Faire in KC, MO in July 2012. I found this entry on a really old blog I used to write and thought you'd enjoy!

Post from 7/6/2012-

Having a yarn booth at an event not necessarily for yarnies is an unusual thing. You run into all kinds of comments....."You know you can buy yarn at Wal-Mart, right?"....."Look Tommy, that lady is weaving a scarf"--"Actually, I'm spinning yarn on a spinning wheel."--"No, you're not. You're weaving."--"I'm pretty sure I'm spinning on a wheel."....."Oh that's interesting.".....And lots of people asking good questions, or just standing, amazed, watching the colors and textures wind onto the bobbin while the wheel goes round and round.

My favorite part of the WHOLE EVENT was this adorable little girl that ran over to our booth, grabbed hold of this skein of apple green thick and thin yarn, hugged it hard and looked up at us both and yelled "THIS YARN MAKES ME SOOOOO HAPPY!" That's what it's all about. This yarn makes ME so happy too, kiddo!

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